First Selectman Community Update- November 25, 2020


Dear Stonington Residents,

While we know for many this Thanksgiving will be unlike the ones before, we hope you are able to find ways to have a happy and safe Thanksgiving celebration.

As many of us will be missing out on several traditions this year, including the annual Turkey Day game between Stonington and Westerly, we thought we would highlight a special Community Connection video, featuring our former Police Chief Dave Erskine sharing an overview of the history of sports in Stonington, including clips from a 1953 Stonington-Westerly Armistice Day game. For those not familiar with our Community Connection series, you can read more and view the 19 videos produced so far here. We also welcome more ideas!

Holiday Food: First, thank you to everyone who participated in our shared effort between local Boy Scout Troop 9 and the Town of Stonington for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Food Drive. We have decided to extend this, and for the month of December you can drop off non-perishable items outside of Town Hall. The box will be outside the main doors, available 8:30-4:00 Monday-Friday. Please help us share the word. We were also so grateful to Indulge Coffee & Sandwich shop, and all those who donated, for partnering again with Stonington Human Services to donate Thanksgiving meals to seniors. We are very happy to share that over 200 dinners were distributed to seniors in our community yesterday and today!

Town Hall Update: We will be moving to appointment only for two weeks following the Thanksgiving holiday (November 30- December 11). With the significant rise in cases in the past weeks and the projected rise following the holiday, we want to ensure the safety of staff and help ensure we are doing what we can to avoid having to fully close Town Hall. All departments will be working during this time and can be reached via call or email. Residents are encouraged to access virtual services and utilize the drop box whenever possible. For business that needs to be in-person, please call to make an appointment.  

COVID-19 Communication: We continue with our weekly (Friday) updates on Town website, which can be found here. We do it every Friday late afternoon/early evening so we are able to share both DPH numbers as well as LLHD numbers that are released Friday afternoons.

COVID-19 Testing: We are very happy to share that we have been able to secure local testing. Next week, there will be a drive through site thanks to the efforts of Ledge Light Health District and support from Stonington Public Schools, at Stonington High School from 2-5 on Wednesday December 2. We will also have a priority line for First Responders. This site has further locations in our region.

Mental Health and Community Support: In addition to the physical health impacts, please know there are also resources for mental health support during this challenging time. Your mental health matters. Through the Town of Stonington residents are able to access individual and family counseling services at no cost.  Call us at Human Services (860) 535-5015 to schedule an intake appointment and be matched with one of our mental health professionals. 

We also know that social isolation can amplify issues at home.  If you are concerned about a relationship and would like to talk, confidential services are available. You can call CT Safe Connect (888) 774-2900 or Safe Futures (860) 701-6001. Please know, you are not alone.

Anyone looking for assistance with grocery deliveries, pet supplies, or might benefit from a friendly check-in (even book drop offs), please know there is a great group of volunteers that have put together SHARE to assist residents, to learn more visit

If you have any other needs, or know of others in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out us at Town Hall or Human Services. We have many different options to assist residents in need. 

Please also know that in our First Selectman's Blog, you can find news and information on a range of topics, including Stonington’s success in becoming a Sustainable CT certified Town and updates on our Community (Victory) Garden expansion. Similarly, on the homepage in our News section, you can find further updates related to a range of Town activities. Stay tuned, for next week’s updates on our Public Works and Economic and Community Development Departments.

Wishing you all a safe a happy Thanksgiving.

Warm regards,

Danielle Chesebrough, Stonington First Selectman